Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tuesday's Agenda

Today we went to a composting and mushroom factory... very interesting. Who knew it took such effort to grow those scrumptious white mushrooms that I love to grill out with so much?
We saw the composting process and then how they innoculate the barley to put in the compost to grow the mushrooms. Pictures will follow.

Compost pile = Hay, lime (or plaster I think is what they called it), and chicken litter...

Mushrooms growing on the compost medium.
Spanish class is going ok. We conjugated our first verbs today, Ser and Estar. I think everyone is hanging in there with the language. Most of us are understanding more than we can speak, so we don't feel so lost and confused all the time...
We also stopped by a queso shop to stop in and see how they were pasteurizing the cheese and making fresh queso and mozzarella. Please don't tell Judy about all of the flies in there :)

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